I have been gone from this little blog for a very, very long time. So long that I had even forgotten my password! So long that I even had a baby in that time, and the baby is almost two now! (I know!). But I am back now, and got lots to share, so hopefully I can just pick it up and post the things we grow and the things we make.
Starting with the most important thing we've made lately, here is the baby in question! He was only three weeks in that picture, but time doesn't stand still, and he will be turning 2 in January. His name is Daniel, and he has turned our house upside down. He is bossy, demanding, and the cutest thing you ever did see. His big sister and big brother love him to pieces, and his parents...what can I say? We're just so lucky that we got to experience being parents one more time. Most people our age are thinking of retirement and grandchildren. We will probably have to work until we're 108, like our friend Bonnie likes to say, but we'll stay young chasing after this guy!
So, that's my story to explain why I've been missing in action for so long. Between a difficult pregnancy, work, and the demands of a baby in addition to our two older kids, I haven't really had the time to post about it. I barely found time to grow our garden or to do a few crafts. But I promise to share all about the time I've been away and then some in the days to come!
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